4D Analytics

Current Status

Last updated: July 10, 2020

Widget size: 1 x 1, 2 x 1

This widget displays the most recent value, timetag, and status of each point it is configured to display. Other points can be added to the table for display after the standard points, which can be a useful way to display the points against targets, thresholds, etc. Data can also be exported to a csv file.

Clicking on a point name will drill down to an Engineering Chart, displaying data for the point.

The status column is colour-coded in the following standard format:

  • High Fault = Red
  • High Alarm = Orange
  • High Alert = Orange
  • OK = Green
  • Low Alert = Orange
  • Low Fault = Red


Value Default Comment
Widget Heading Current Status Enter the name of the widget as it is to appear in the heading.
Decimal Places 1 Set number of decimal places.
Point Name Heading Point Name This is the column that displays the value. Users can choose to overwrite "Point Name" and display text of their choice.
Timetag Heading Timetag Column that displays the timetag. Edit timetag heading name.
Status Heading Status Column that displays the alarm status. Edit status heading name.
Point 1 Heading Point This is the column that displays the point name. Defaults to the point name, but users can overwrite this and display text of their choice.
Point 2 Heading Point 2 If displaying a second point, this is the column that displays the value for the point. Defaults to "Point 2", but users can overwrite this.
Point 3 Heading Point 3 If displaying a third point, this is the column that displays the value for the point. Defaults to "Point 3", but users can overwrite this.
Show Timetag Yes Option to choose if the timetag column will be displayed or not.
Show Status Yes Option to choose if the (alarm) status column is displayed or not.
Show Point 2 No Display POINTLIST2 column or not.
Show Point 3 No Display POINTLIST3 column or not.
Show Row Total No This display a total for all the values in each row. e.g., - Point 1 + Point 2 + Point 3
Show Bottom Total No This will add up the values for all points and show a total at the bottom of the widget. This does not total the non-value columns (Timetag and Status).
Bottom Total Headings Total Edit the heading for the bottom Total.
Display Path PointNameOnly FullPath, ShortPath or PointNameOnly for the name POINTLIST point(s). FullPath shows the whole of the hierarchy structure up to and including the point name. ShortPath shows the parent container name and the point name only. PointNameOnly shows only the point name.
Drilldown Target actionFrame Decide if you want the drilldown to open in a new window, same page, etc.
  • actionFrame – The drilldown opens in the same frame (this is default).
  • _blank – The drilldown opens in a new window or tab.
  • _self – The drilldown opens in the same frame; this is the widget.
  • _parent – The drilldown opens in the parent frame; this is the dashboard.
  • _top – The drilldown opens in the full body of the window; this is the entire application space.
Refresh Period No Refresh Select a refresh period from the drop-down (from 15 seconds to 1 hour) or no refresh at all. Refreshing will update the widget with the latest available data.
Display All Org Sites False Ignore the navigation selection and show all data at all times.
Single Site Mode False Set it to True, then only when you set the "Dash Tabs Tree Sites Fetch Level" (within Web Config) to be the parent of a configured point, AND only when you select the parent container from the dashboard navigation tree, does the data appear.
Heading Source Property, Received Time, Parent Container, GrandParent Container The source for the heading information displayed above the table
  • Property - use the Attribute name specified in "Heading Attribute" to retrieve an Attribute Value for the selected site Container and display as part of the heading information
  • Received Time - retrieve the latest (maximum) Standard Data Archive Received Time associated with the points being displayed
  • Parent Container - retrieve the parent container name for the point
  • Grandparent Container - retrieve the parent container of the parent container of the point
Heading Title If set, this will be used as the label for the heading information. If not set and the Heading Source is "Property", the Attribute name will be used as the label. If not set and the Heading Source is "Received Time", this (i.e., Received Time) will be used as the label. If not set and the Heading Source is "Parent Container" or "Grandparent Containter", then the Parent container or grandparent container name will be used as the label.
Heading Attribute NULL If set, the page will retrieve the Attribute Value associated with this Attribute for the selected site Container and display this above the table as part of the heading information.
Heading Format blank Used to set the format to display the Received Time if this is the Heading Source. (eg., yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss, dd/MM/yy HH:mm, etc.)
Attribute Column Name blank If set, retrieve the Attribute Value associated with the Attribute Name attached to the point(s) specified in POINTLIST (only, not those specified in POINTLIST2 or POINTLIST3).
Attribute Column Heading Specifies the text to be used for the Attribute Value column. If not set, the Attribute name specified in "Attribute Column Name" will be used.
Show Link to History No
  • No - don't display the icon to view Point History
  • Yes - display the icon to view Point History.
Units Position IN CELL IN CELL - display the measurement units in the table cells. COLUMN HEADER - display the measurement units in the column headings.
Point Order Fullpath, Point Name (ASC) Ordering of the points displayed in the table (ASC - ascending, DESC - descending):
  • Point Name (ASC)
  • Point Name (DESC)
  • Point Position (ASC)
  • Point Position (DESC)
Note: The point position means the position of a point within its parent container, which isn't necessarily the DTE order.
Drilldown Point POINT1 The point to put the drilldown link on: POINT1 POINT2 POINT3 OFF - do not add a drilldown link.
Group By Minute Used by the Point History drilldown page. Group the historical data by the precision specified. Second Minute Hour Day
Row Limit 1000 Used by the Point History drilldown page. Limit the data retrieved to the specified number of rows.

If the unit of the point is On/Off, Off/On, Open/Closed, or Closed/Open, then it assumes the point is a binary point.

If the value of the point is zero, the first word in the units is displayed. If the value is anything other than zero, the second word in the units is displayed. For example, if you set the units of a point to be Off/On, and the value of the point is 0, the reading column will display Off; if the Value is 1, the column will display On.


Adding additional points in POINTLIST2 or POINTLIST3 will only add the value of that point, it doesn't include timetag or status. If multiple IDs are added, then they will be displayed against every point in standard point list.

For POINTLIST2 or POINTLIST3 to appear, they must have the same name as the points in POINTLIST. Location within the hierarchy is not important.

Point History

Each point from all point lists will be displayed as a single column in Point History. All timetags will be displayed based on the grouping selected in config. Where no data is found for a point with a timetag found in another, a blank value will be displayed.

Attribute columns will only be displayed for points in POINTLIST1 only. These are displayed for each point in this list and will follow the point.

Columns are ordered by Point Name in ascending order, and points in POINTLIST2 and POINTLIST3 are also included in the ordering.